Monday, December 15, 2008

Winter Song

I love Christmas. Well, except for that little snow detail in Utah. As far as Christmas music goes, I've always just been a fan of the classics. Bing Crosby, The Nutcracker, etc. I've never been one to buy an artist's Christmas album every year. For some reason, hearing Mariah Carey's rendition of Silent Night (I don't even know if she's done that) doesn't do anything for me. New holiday songs are also hard for me to enjoy. They just end up being cheesy and overproduced.

Well, that all changed last year when Sister Carlile came out with "The Heartache Can Wait". Pure genius. It was depressing in just the right way to keep my holiday spirit up. Weird, I know, but I have a feeling some of you know what I'm talking about. Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson have done the same thing for me this year. They make beautiful music together. Seriously. I haven't heard a song this pretty in a while. I wish I could have embedded their darling video for it here, but the link will have to suffice. Enjoy

Winter Song

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

iSuicide Update

Pessimistic view on Big Poppa's life. Everything booted up fine, except the touchscreen sensors are completely gone. Bummer. Hopefully, that can somehow by replaced cheaper than buying a new iPhone. We'll see.

Note to self: Next time don't purchase ridiculously expensive items that can jump in the toilet. It's somewhat traumatic and sad. Oh, and if you do make the mistake of buying something so attractively bad ass and expensive, don't get so attached. It will make the after-jumping-in-the-toilet transition a lot easier.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Music Mondays

Last Tuesday, Ray LaMontagne came to town. The night was highly anticipated after he bailed on us as an opener for Guster in 2006.* But he did not disappoint. There were many "What-Ever!" moments that evening. It was unreal. Oh, and did I forget to mention that Em scored us great VIP seats right as Ray went on stage? Well, yeah. She did. The night was perfect.

An even more pleasant surprise was the opening act of Leona Naess. Her voice is simple and beautiful. "Heavy Like Sunday" is by far my favorite song on her album. The video is a little hectic, but just take a listen. You won't be disappointed.

*I must say, however, that I don't know if I would ever put Ray and Guster together. That just seems like an odd combo. Very different in style and mood. Things work out for the best sometimes.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


I may be a little quirky. 6 things you didn't need to know about me, but now you are so glad you do:

1. I find it hard to share drinks with anyone. Even family. Even that special someone. There's just something very unappealing about putting my mouth where someone else's just was. Cooties. Ew. Don't take it personal if I swig your beverage without touching the opening. I've gotten really good at it.

2. I have an irrational fear of sharks. I've never had a bad experience or anything remotely close to that, but with the losing of my innocence, I also became extremely afraid of these enormously, gigantic, sharp-toothed, man-eating sea creatures. I know. Completely irrational.

3. Every time I go shopping, I have to find the nearest bathroom, quickly. Mostly it's when I'm shopping for clothes or presents for other people. I get a little nervous/excited and have to eliminate. Come to think of it, I should have made this quirk #2...

4. I have come to grips with the fact that no bra will fit me perfectly. This realization has led me to becoming an amateur seamstress. I've even used staples as a quick fix to loose straps. Don't knock it til you try it.

5. When I decide something, I decide! No matter how big or small the decision seems to be, if I make up my mind to do one thing, I'll follow through. For example, if Ingrid Michaelson's CD comes out today, I will drive to every CD store to get it that day. Nothing will stand in my way.

6. I blow dry my hair completely naked. It's not that I like to check myself out or anything, I just do it. No explanation. (Maybe I should lock my door now...)

I apologize for the over-share, but I was tagged by my good ol' friend #5. I now hereby tag: Lindsay, Steph, Ciacci, and Chanel.


I decided I wanted to change the look of my blog about 15 minutes ago. I ended up with this Blogger template because I was too lazy to figure out how to download a free template from the interweb.

In recent news, my iPhone committed iSuicide in the toilet a couple hours ago. It may be days before we know if it will make it. Sad day. Sad day.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Forever My Friend

I just want to share with you some of my favorite engagement pictures. I can't show you all of them...there wouldn't be any surprises!
OpieFoto LLC

OpieFoto LLC

OpieFoto LLC

OpieFoto LLC

Monday, October 27, 2008


A couple weeks ago, the beau and I decided to take a ton of pictures of ourselves. Professional ones.

For the last week and a half I have been replaying the photo shoot over and over again in my head; did I smile too big, were my eyes closed, did we take too many kissy pictures? The anticipation of their finished state was almost too much for me to handle. But I made it through the waiting and couldn't be more impressed with Opie's work. She made us feel extremely comfortable the whole time and I think it comes across in the pictures. Even those kissing shots turned out great. Well, at least I think they did.

Opie was kind enough to post some on her blog.

Check it out:

(I will post some of my faves later...)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Honesty in the finer details.

Thanks to Anna for this find. It has truly been uplifting.

Monday, October 20, 2008

More Facebook love <3

Here's another great Facebook funny.

SWPL Facebook

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Facebook has taken over the world.

So, I realize that Steph has already posted this, but I can't sit back and not share the funniness that is this video. Enjoy.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A New Confidence

I would like to bare testimony of my new bra. If anyone knows me, they know that I have an extremely hard time finding a bra that: 1) fits and 2) uh...fits. (Isn't that the most important part?)

I strolled into Nordstrom's the other day, just dreading the fact that I had to find a new piece of underwear. It's almost as bad as the annual swimsuit shopping event. But I knew Nordstrom's was the best, so I started there. I was surprised- shocked, even- to find more than one style that was in my size. Usually I settle for a size or two smaller than what I should get and make some household adjustments when I get home, like sewing the straps smaller or something like that. So, not only were these bras in my size, they actually fit and looked nothing like something my grandma wore in 1955. There are even comfort straps! I would call that a success.

For any of you full-figured women, such as myself, looking for a good time in bra-wear, check out the Natori style 7233495. It's fantastic!

(p.s. That isn't me in the picture...)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cloud 9

So this is what it feels like, huh?

The beau proposed last night and I couldn't have said YES! any faster. I'm just a little excited. Okay, I'm super excited.

To your left you can see the ring of authority (and I only call it this because now I don't feel dumb buying bridal magazines or trying on wedding gowns). It's funny how such a little detail gives a girl some confidence.

So here goes something! I really don't think I could be happier.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Quote of the Night:

"I can love Jesus Christ AND vampires at the same time!"

-Ms. Jones

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Budget? What's that?

I've decided to start myself a little budget. I just feel like I should have a little more control over where my money goes each month (I don't have much of it, so it shouldn't be hard). I managed to buy a columnar pad, which I think my grandma was the last human to use one. Ya know, the cute little accounting tablets. Looking back, I think I took a class at Utah State in Family Finance. In fact, I think everyone who graduates from USU takes that class. The only thing I can remember is the book we read, "Don't Shoot the Dog!". Oh, and how I always took my online quizzes with a classmate.*

I can't, for the life of me, remember how to set up a budget on paper. I know there are different categories of spending, and there is also a place for your income. But it just isn't coming back to me. I know I can probably look this all up online, but I want to set it up to fit my needs. I do remember the first assignment. We were supposed to track a month (or maybe a wee) of all our money flow. I figured this would be a great place to start. I should figure out where my money is going and then set up a budget to monitor that.

So the first page of my green book is what I spend my money on. Most of it consists of food and bills. Just know, that my future budget will never cut the amount of concerts I see. I think this may be the one thing I can't budge on. At all. There will always be a need for music; food, not so much.

Wish me luck.

*What? The professor never said we couldn't do that.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Work, Work, Work it out.

I started going to the gym again. This seems to happen at the beginning of every new semester. I get the urge to get in shape and find the free membership to the campus gym to be quite appealing. I am still amazed at the workout attire people choose to wear, but I've already gone there. Moving on.

Yesterday, I didn't bring any reading material to keep my mind occupied while my body sweat and suffered. I can only read so much while on elliptical until my eyes go cross-eyed and I spew. SO, I found myself people watching (dang it). I managed to spot my freshman year crush (that was 6 years ago, people, 6 years!) and took a step down memory lane for a minute. Then, it hit me. I felt really old. Yeah, I know. I'm only 24. I got it. But have you seen the BABIES that are starting college this year? I don't think they've hit puberty yet. It's amazing. I feel like walking around with a sign that says "I'm too old for you" or something to that affect. I'm not saying I get hit on while working out, but if I could prevent it in any way, I would. I probably have nothing to worry about, since I still work out in orientation shirts dated in 2002. But a girl can never be too cautious.

Friday, July 25, 2008


I have a new obsession, internet world. Well, I guess he's kind of an old obsession turned new again, if that makes any sense. His new cd just came out a couple weeks ago and it's fantastic. There isn't a bad song within it. There is something about him that tickles my fancy. He's so good, that even after 48 hours of live music, I got in the car craving his sound. Here he is. Greg Laswell at his finest.

How The Day Sounds

Monday, June 02, 2008

Peace Out.

Well, my people. I am off to visit a foreign land. It honestly doesn't seem real, but it's only hours away! Before my departure, I would like to leave you with this little cartoon. It makes me laugh every time. I will miss most of you. Okay, all of you! Let the Mexican food cravings begin!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Music Mondays

Oh Jason!

How I love thee. Will you sing to me every night before I go to bed? That would be fantastic. Thank you.

Love, Chelsea

Monday, May 12, 2008

Music Mondays

This past week I have been enjoying a co-worker's iTunes. I find this song interesting and entertaining. Too bad Andrew Bird is coming to town the same night Feist is...

Monday, May 05, 2008

Good Times Gonna Come

School is out and it is summer.

I have just completed the hardest two years of graduate school! I finally have more years under my belt than I have left to actually finish this degree. That thrills me.

The next couple months will bring me great joy. Here are a few things I am looking forward to:

Reno Wedding (hopefully not too white trash)
Red Butte Gala
20 million concerts
Denver Road Trip (Mile High Music Festival!)
So Cal Road Trip (with the beau)
Bear Lake
Utah Camping
etc, etc, etc...

Let us celebrate Cinco de Mayo and toast to the Summer of 2008!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Customer Service

Attention GM - Southwest Student Insurance Plans: I thought that by advertising a live chat with a live person, that's what would really happen. Enticing me to chat with you live was an offer I wasn't ready to pass up. But really? Live chat does not mean asking me to put my email in a little box with my question next to it, so you can email me days later.

You have failed me.

You should learn a lesson from Who knew that companies actually hire people to answer your questions right then and there, as if we were instant messaging buddies. And they even post a picture of the hot, outdoorsy guy helping me. Even if it isn't really him, it's great customer service!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Music Mondays

This past week has been all about The Weepies. Their new album was not a disappointment! And, they named their son Theo. How cute is that?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Let's Chat.

Fellow Utah dwellers!

Have you ever noticed the inexcusable, unrelenting stenchi (plural for stench) that exude from many Utah cities? Well, if you haven’t, I will now give you the best places to experience such a treat.

1. West side of Logan. I lived there for a few years and I can honestly say that I haven’t smelt anything like it. As you come to the mouth of Sardine Canyon and into Wellsville, just roll down your windows and take a few deep breaths. At this moment, you will know exactly what I mean.

2. The Saltair. I attended a concert there last night and was reminded of a few things: 1) a crappy sound system, 2) awesome people to judge and place on teams, and 3) a plethora of odors that smell anything but good. Instead of bring earplugs, I suggest you bring nose plugs if you want nothing to cling onto your little nose hairs and cuddle you after the concert is long over.

3. South of SLC. I have no specific experience to insert here, only that driving on I-15 can be somewhat unbearable the further you get from civilization. There is a reason underlying the “Cow Town” reference.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Music Mondays

Thanks to a special someone, I have been sharing my music listening time with Miss Prettyman and AA Bondy. He has a very soothing voice. Check him out:

Monday, April 14, 2008

Music Mondays

I can already tell you that the highlight of this week will be purchasing Tristan Prettyman's new album "Hello...x". The record hits stores tomorrow, April 15th.

Brandi Carlile will be temporarily out of service until I get my TP fill. Who's with me?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

This is painful.

Teri Hatcher singing "Before He Cheats"...Need I say more?

What was American Idol thinking? I bet they lost money. Suckas.

And if you can make it to the end of the song, I promise you it will be worth it.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Music Mondays

Beautiful, sweet music.

I heart Ingrid.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Music Mondays

I like music. So I hereby dedicate every Monday to something I heart musically.

Check out other artists we like at Live from Abbey Road.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Sometimes, Em and I do strange things. This is no exception.

Work station.

Behold, miniature objects on a postcard.

The object of the game being to meticulously cut out those objects and glue them together to make a cool looking 3D thingy (dinosaur or scooter). It was my job to cut.

Em struggled a bit with gluing the tiny edges together.

The start of a wonderful scooter. This is the back tire.


Finished product. It took a couple weeks, but I finished nonetheless. It will be a couple more weeks before Em (and I) finish the dinosaur.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thank you, England.

Please take 3 minutes of your day to enjoy the beautiful voice of Adele. She is my current musical obsession and should be yours too.

My favorite line: "I like it in the city when two worlds collide." Ah geez.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Here is proof that I actually do visit the brain lab twice a week. I have to walk through this museum of sorts before I get to the actual brains. I named him Grandpa Charlie.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm sure you care.

I actually came up with 99 things about myself that hopefully are interesting to someone out there on the world wide web.

1. I really dislike mushrooms.
2. My parents got divorced when I was 3.
3. I have a 13 year-old half sister.
4. I love rap music.
5. I am somewhat against young people (under 16) having cell phones.
6. I have never tasted alcohol. Ever.
7. I have never tried drugs.
8. When I was little, I pretended I smoked with my dad’s used cigarette butts. Apparently, I thought that was cool…
9. I lived with my grandparents during my preschool/kindergarten years.
10. I have a crush on Tom Petty.
11. I have an irrational fear of sharks, murky, deep water, and driving by mountains in the dark.
12. I can’t stand being scared, so watching horror movies is painful.
13. I enjoy singing and playing the guitar for myself; having people around intimidates me.
14. Being in front of crowds gives me the hives.
15. I am allergic to dogs. Big, furry dogs that smell nasty.
16. I pretty much know all the words to “What’s Your Fantasy” by Ludacris.
17. I want an afro so bad.
18. I love to get rid of things that I haven’t used in a while.
19. When I find a song or album I like, I play it over and over again to try and learn the lyrics. If that doesn’t work, I look them up. I like to know what I’m singing.
20. I’m obsessed with Macintosh.
21. I honestly don’t know what I would do without music.
22. I don’t really like pizza. I think it’s all about the hot, melted cheese. It makes me sick. But for some reason I love BBQ chicken pizza. It’s a good compromise when everyone you know loves pizza.
23. I would eat sourdough bread from California every morning, noon and night. I love it.
24. I don’t like fish.
25. Birds weird me out.
26. I didn’t talk to or see my dad for 6 years.
27. When I buy new clothes, I have to get rid of the same amount existing in my closet. Why? 1. Because my closet is so small, and 2. I like to get rid of unused things (see 18).
28. Worrying about finances stresses me out. If only I was rich and never had to worry about having enough money.
29. I like songs that have the words ‘picture’, ‘dreams’ and ‘ocean’ in them. Don’t ask me why, I just do.
30. My favorite color is green.
31. I like wearing glasses.
32. I love to build things. For example, when I bought my IKEA dresser, I was determined to put it together all by myself in one night. It was up the next morning before I went to work.
33. I judge people by the shoes they wear and how their jeans fit.
34. I hate getting application invites on Facebook.
35. The first concert I ever went to was Reba McEntire at the Oakland Colliseum. I was 8.
36. I enjoy eating raw cookie dough.
37. I have a mole positioned perfectly in the middle of my head, right between my eyebrows. It looks like an Indian bindi decoration.
38. I don’t like having long fingernails.
39. I love sweet Del Monte midget pickles. I don’t think you can buy them here.
40. I enjoy taking pictures, even if I’m not that good at it.
41. I’ve been on a real African safari. Uhhh-mazing!
42. I love Oregon chai tea latte. So yummy.
43. When I used to visit my dad every other weekend (age 2-12), he would give me 10 vocab words to work on. I hated it. Too bad I didn’t continue with that, it may have helped on the GRE.
44. My pumpkin pie will change your life.
45. I touch real brains twice a week and think it’s cool.
46. Sometimes I slip too easily into my ghetto accent.
47. I’m always competitive, but if I find someone more competitive I don’t even try because I know I’d beat them.
48. I promote peace.
49. I didn’t care for high school.
50. I can't stand people who wear bluetooth headsets.
51. The perfect Subway sandwich: tuna on honey oat with swiss cheese, lettuce, mustard, lots of banana peppers, topped with salt and pepper.
52. I finished 5 seasons of Dawson's Creek and 4 seasons of Alias in the same 2 1/2 months while working on my doctorate.
53. I have a bit of what they call the travel bug.
54. I don't like tomatoes.
55. My stepmom could be my sister.
56. I have bird-like feet, meaning I can pick objects up with my toes. For my next trick: the flip off.
57. I secretly enjoy taking emo pictures of myself.
58. I have double jointed elbows.
59. I prefer the west coast to any other coast.
60. I don't like the feeling of lotion on my hands.
61. In high school I tried soccer and cross country running before I settled with playing water polo for 3 years.
62. I used to collect stickers and stamps as a young buck.
63. I used to think all cats were girls and all dogs were boys.
64. I judge books by their cover.
65. I look better when I'm tan.
66. I got my ears pierced when I was 16.
67. I enjoy most water sports - skiing, tubing, boating, etc.
68. I have never snow skied and don't really care to.
69. I have a crazy scar from getting my appendix out when I was 8.
70. My grandma and I used to play barbies together.
71. I survived the '89 earthquake in San Francisco.
72. I was baptized by my grandpa.
73. I rock a 2000 Saturn LS.
74. I want no more than 3 kids. Maybe only 1. The whole pregnancy thing freaks me out.
75. A 16 year-old made me a true aggie. OOPS.
76. Sometimes I prance around in spandex.
77. My favorite Beatles song is Eleanor Rigby.
78. I still play M.A.S.H. during class. It never gets old.
79. I type ridiculously was a hobby as a kid. I taught myself how to type on my grandma's old typewriter, Libby.
80. I prefer to be prepared for all situations.
81. I watch ‘R’ rated movies and I’d like to think I have good movie taste.
82. I think swear words are humorous.
83. I heart avocados.
84. When I was 8, I drove to Chicago with my dad in a sparkly green Taurus.
85. My feet are chronically cold. The doctor couldn’t find a pulse in my foot…
86. I worked for the orientation staff at Utah State all four years of college. I rocked the blue and khaki.
87. I have this thing for vintage posters and postcards.
88. I have nice legs?
89. I can spend hours playing Text Twist and Mahjongg online.
90. I have small hands and chubby fingernails.
91. I work at a botanical garden.
92. I tend to not listen more than I admit. My mind likes to wander.
93. In 7th grade, a black chick told me that I was dancing too fast…I was just years ahead of my time.
94. I stay up late just so I can listen to a little more music.
95. I am a sympathy crier.
96. I clean my grandma’s condo every month.
97. My first car was a gold Saturn…I must be doomed to driving a Saturn.
98. I backpacked through Italy and Switzerland for 3 ½ weeks.
99. I love kids, but they intimidate me.
100. (you come up with something…I got to 99!)

Two years? Really?

Sheriff: Woman sat on toilet for 2 years
NBC News correspondents and producers across the U.S. shed light on the news of the day.

WICHITA, Kan. - Authorities are considering charges in the bizarre case of a woman who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two years _ so long that her body was stuck to the seat by the time the man finally called police.

It appeared the 35-year-old Ness City woman's skin had grown around the seat, said Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple. The woman initially refused emergency medical services but was finally convinced by responders and her boyfriend that she needed to be checked out at a hospital.

"We pried the toilet seat off with a pry bar and the seat went with her to the hospital," Whipple said. "The hospital removed it."

Whipple said investigators planned to present their report Wednesday to the county attorney, who will determine whether any charges should be filed against the boyfriend.

"She was not glued. She was not tied. She was just physically stuck by her body," Whipple said. "It is hard to imagine. ... I still have a hard time imagining it myself."

Police declined to release the couple's names, but the boyfriend, Kory McFarren, agreed to be interviewed Wednesday by The Associated Press. He identified his girlfriend as Pam Babcock.

McFarren, 36, told investigators he took Babcock food and water and asked her every day to come out of the bathroom.

"And her reply would be, 'Maybe tomorrow,'" Whipple said. "According to him, she did not want to leave the bathroom."

McFarren told the AP that he wasn't to blame, and that it was solely Babcock's choice to remain in the bathroom.

"She is an adult; she made her own decision. It was my fault I should have gotten help for her sooner; I admit that. But after a while, you kind of get used to it," McFarren said.

"It really doesn't surprise me," Ellis said. "What surprises me is somebody wasn't called in a bit earlier." ....

(Full story)

Saturday, March 01, 2008

A new obsession.

So what? I'm a little obsessed with another supposedly lesbian singer. What's the big deal? The girl can sing.

I had to throw this one in. What the hell are they wearing? I still love her, but really? Why those clothes?

Monday, February 25, 2008

A couple days ago, YourHeartOut blogged about a yogurt shop in Sandy. Em and I finally went to check it out. It's like one of those things you dream of as a little kid: pretending to be the cashier at a grocery store or meticulously folding clothes in your dresser because you work at The Gap. The Yogurt Stop actually lets you dish up your favorite fro-yo-go flavors and toppings. I mean, this place has got it all: cookie dough, sprinkles, and berries. Whatever you want, you can have it. Life just got a little sweeter.

Tonight's concoction: Chocolate and Vanilla swirl with rainbow sprinkles and cookie dough.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

And the winner is...

Here are my picks. Hopefully i will do better than the Grammy's.

Best motion picture of the year
-Michael Clayton
-No Country for Old Men
-There Will Be Blood

Achievement in directing
-"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"
-"Michael Clayton"
-"No Country for Old Men"
-"There Will Be Blood"

Performance by an actor in a leading role
-George Clooney in "Michael Clayton"
-Daniel Day-Lewis in "There Will Be Blood"
-Johnny Depp in "Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"
-Tommy Lee Jones in "In the Valley of Elah"
-Viggo Mortensen in "Eastern Promises"

Performance by an actor in a supporting role
-Casey Affleck in "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford" (Warner Bros.)
-Javier Bardem in "No Country for Old Men" (Miramax and Paramount Vantage)
-Philip Seymour Hoffman in "Charlie Wilson's War" (Universal)
-Hal Holbrook in "Into the Wild" (Paramount Vantage and River Road Entertainment)
-Tom Wilkinson in "Michael Clayton" (Warner Bros.)

Performance by an actress in a leading role
-Cate Blanchett in "Elizabeth: The Golden Age" (Universal)
-Julie Christie in "Away from Her" (Lionsgate)
-Marion Cotillard in "La Vie en Rose" (Picturehouse)
-Laura Linney in "The Savages" (Fox Searchlight)
-Ellen Page in "Juno" (A Mandate Pictures/Mr. Mudd Production)

Performance by an actress in a supporting role
-Cate Blanchett in "I'm Not There" (The Weinstein Company)
-Ruby Dee in "American Gangster" (Universal)
-Saoirse Ronan in "Atonement" (Focus Features)
-Amy Ryan in "Gone Baby Gone" (Miramax)
-Tilda Swinton in "Michael Clayton" (Warner Bros.)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Haircut.

Ok. Here it is. Judge away. It's an A-line cut, so the back is shorter...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Don't do drugs, kids.

Let me tell you about my day.

First of all, I think this is the first haircut I love the first time around, which is surprising because I am a hard one to please when it comes to the 'do'. It is super short (to me), but I like it. It's weird not being able to pull it back...

Secondly, I was surprised to see a healthy two-year old that was born at 25 weeks (that's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...14 weeks early) because his mom was 18, doing meth and pot. She was very open with all this information. But the saddest part was that she could not remember details about her little guy's hospital stay because she was STILL USING at the time of his birth. Luckily, she went through a rehab program and got it together after that. The kid has normal hearing. Hallelujah.

Next: a three-year-old may or may not have told me that his parents are going to kill me. Yeah, he repeated it three or four times, "My parents are going to kill you" and then proceeded to kick me. Fantastic. Now mind you, I am just trying to play a simple hearing game with the kid, not torturing him with pins and needles. His mom, sitting right next to us, didn't do anything...It makes you wonder what he will grow up to be like. I don't want to be there to find out.

Lastly, I travelled to Provo with some cool people for some great Mexican food and a little concert. I had to remind myself numerous times that I was, in fact, in Provo...the people watching was at an all-time high at Velour. I never thought I would see THOR dressed in embroidered jeans and a pink scarf. FANTASTIC.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I may or may not have chopped my hair off today...

pictures to follow...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

OBAMA for yo mama.

If I wasn't such a cheap ass, I would be wearing this today.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Good. Better. Best.

Anna and I were discussing some important issues at work. Here is what she discovered:

Good: A non-committal make-out with a "non-member".

Better: A non-committal make-out with a "member". Having things in common is not a requirement, but some physical attraction would be nice.

Best: Making out with a member that shares your same beliefs and values, and could be a potential "match made in heaven", or something that affect (potential being the key word).

Applying gospel principles has never been so much fun!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Next President?

I recently took an online quiz to see how my views lined up with some of the candidates in this year's election. Many questions ranked my opinions about current political policies, while others touched on whether or not I would vote for a woman or a person of a minority race. In hope that the questionnaire could read my mind and recognize I am an Obama fan, I answered all the questions truthfully, according to my own thoughts. To my dismay, the first two line-ups were men I had no idea were running. I can't even remember their names. To my even greater dismay, 64% of my way of thinking matched up with Hilary Clinton.


The quiz was wrong. There is no way in hell I would ever vote for that woman. And I'm not at all sorry about it.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

3 1/2 hours later...

The GRAMMY'S were a disappointment. Besides not predicting correctly, I just wasn't really impressed with how the show turned out. I never thought I would be sad that only 9 awards were actually presented, but I was. The highlight of the evening was seeing Tina Turner in a pop tart wrapper. Who knew?

But anyway, here are the winners in case you missed it:

Record of the Year
-Rehab, Amy Winehouse

Album of the Year
-River: The Joni Letters

Song of the Year
-Rehab, Amy Winehouse

Best New Artist
-Amy Winehouse

Best Femal Pop Vocal Performance
-Rehab, Amy Winehouse

Best Male Pop Vocal Performance
-What Goes Around…Comes Around, Justin Timberlake

Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals
-Makes Me Wonder, Maroon 5

Best Pop Collboration With Vocals
-Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On), Robert Plant & Alison Krauss

Best Pop Vocal Album
-Back To Black, Amy Winehouse

Best Alternative Music Album
-Icky Thump, The White Stripes

Best Rap Album
-Graduation, Kanye West

Best Soundtrack Compilation Album

50th GRAMMY Award Predictions

The Grammy's are always entertaining. Because music is one of my number one priorities, I thought I should probably take interest in the winners and losers of this past year. The only problem I see with my predictions is that I don't really care what is popular or on the, the artists I have chosen to win each category have been picked because I like them, no other reason. I also narrowed down the categories to the most important ones. I have included the other nominees in case you would like to make your predictions as well. (my predictions are italicized)

Record of the Year
-Irreplaceable, Beyonce
-The Pretender, Foo Fighters
-Umbrella, Rihanna
-What Goes Around…Comes Around, Justin Timberlake
-Rehab, Amy Winehouse

Album of the Year
-Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace, Foo Fighters
-These Days, Vince Gill
-River: The Joni Letters
-Graduation, Kanye West
-Back to Black, Amy Winehouse

Song of the Year
-Before He Cheats, Carrie Underwood’s songwriters
-Hey There Delilah, Plain White T’s songwriter
-Like A Star, Corinne Bailey Rae
-Rehab, Amy Winehouse
-Umbrella, Rihanna’s songwriters

Best New Artist
-Taylor Swift
-Amy Winehouse

Best Femal Pop Vocal Performance
-Candyman, Christina Aguilera
-1234, Feist
-Big Girls Don’t Cry, Fergie
-Say It Right, Nelly Furtado
-Rehab, Amy Winehouse

Best Male Pop Vocal Performance
-Everything, Michael Buble
-Belief, John Mayer
-Dance Tonight, Paul McCartney
-Amazing, Seal
-What Goes Around…Comes Around, Justin Timberlake

Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals
-(You Want To) Make A Memory, Bon Jovi
-Home, Daughtry
-Makes Me Wonder, Maroon 5
-Hey There Delilah, Plain White T’s
-Window In The Skies, U2

Best Pop Collboration With Vocals
-Steppin’ Out, Tony Bennett & Christina Aguilera
-Beautiful Liar, Beyonce & Shakira
-Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On), Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
-The Sweet Escape, Gwen Stefani & Akon
-Give It To Me, Timbaland

Best Pop Vocal Album
-Lost Highway, Bon Jovi
-The Reminder, Feist
-It Won’t Be Soon Before Long, Maroon 5
-Memory Almost Full, Paul McCartney
-Back To Black, Amy Winehouse

Best Alternative Music Album
-Alright, Still…, Lily Allen
-Neon Bible, Arcade Fire
-Volta, Bjork
-Wincing The Night Away, The Shins
-Icky Thump, The White Stripes

Best Rap Album
-Finding Forever, Common
-Kingdom Come, Jay-Z
-Hip Hip Is Dead, Nas
-T.I. vs T.I.P., T.I.
-Graduation, Kanye West

Best Soundtrack Compilation Album
-Across The Universe

I would also like to see Patty Griffin take the Folk/Americana Album award, and Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova definitely deserve the Best Song written For Motion Picture for “Falling Slowly”.

Good luck to all the artists.

P.S. Praise and hallelujah's to the writer's strike being over!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

If you are easily offended...

...don't watch this. Stephen Colbert interviews a lobbyist from the Human Rights Campaign and is highly inappropriate!

Is it wrong that this makes me cry it's so funny? What do you think?

Friday, February 08, 2008

Two enthusiastic thumbs up!

I was pleasantly surprised by "Tthe Savages" (in theatres now). It has been awhile since a film has hit every emotion, more than once. I laughed and cried, and laughed and cried some more. It was fabulous and comes highly recommended by someone whose opinion really matters: muah. So if you have no qualms about the rating 'R' and enjoy quality movies, just go see it. I promise you won't regret it.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Yes WE Can.

I'm a fan of this so-called Barack Obama. And so are they. Take a listen....

Monday, February 04, 2008


What is it about this song that makes it so...toxic?

Yael Naim

Tristan Prettyman

Nickel Creek


Sunday, February 03, 2008


Chelsea: ‘A grumpy friend will frustrate you, but don’t get too upset. They will make it up to you later.’

Em: Uh-oh. I think that’s me.

Chelsea: Are you grumpy?

Em: I was in a BAD mood today.

Chelsea: So, what are you gonna do to make up for it?

Em: I made you a quesadilla for breakfast!

Chelsea: You can’t make up for something before it even happens!

Em: Yes I can. Have you ever played Mario Bros? …It’s like collecting tokens so you don’t die.

Chelsea: Wow.



Plans to leave Logan this morning were postponed because of the so-called "beautiful" snow we are so graced to receive. I'm sure somewhere out there, there is someone who is happy with such a gift. But that someone is not me. Hopefully the sky will clear so we can make a break back to the city.

Will winter ever end?

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Land of Aggies

It's been awhile since I made the drive to the great Logan, a.k.a. cow town. Today I had an all day audiology conference in the good old Walnut Room of the TSC. It's funny how actually stepping foot in some places will resurface past memories and feelings that have been long forgotten.

I don't know how, but I managed to forget that I rocked my undergrad. Yeah, I did A-Team and endulged in sorority land as a Chi-Omega...but really...I was good at school. I'm not trying to boast or brag here. I'm just stating the truth. Seeing a couple familiar faces and shaking hands with past professors just reminded me of how great USU really was.

This has made me think about my current school situation and whether or not I made the correct choice in graduate programs. Even though there are many things that I dislike about the U, I am confident that I am in the right place. I'm not the type of person to base my own happiness on 'what ifs'. When I decide, I decide. So I am happy to report that I do not have any regrets and I have left USU with great memories. I hope that in 2 years I can say the same about U of U.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Way to go.

The week has started. It couldn't have been more perfect. Changing my tire at work while hurricane winds froze my face off was how it all began. Yes, I had a flat. Yes, I drove on it all the way to work (which is probably only about 3 miles). Yes, it ruined my almost brand new tire. Yes, I am pretty much an idiot. But I redeemed myself by previously purchasing some sort of certificate that gives me a replacement tire for FREE. That was exciting.

Changing that tire was half the battle. Getting home from the tire store proved to be more difficult than expected. As the hurricane winds starting spitting out snow I began to worry about how I was going to get back to work and if that gigantic bowling pin sign would come crashing down, making this a much more exciting story than it really is. But it didn't and I was left to deal with getting back up to Sugarhouse with my plastic car and no power whatsoever, sliding every which way.

So, here I am, safe at home, unable to drive to work, and contemplating why the hell I live in a place where it snows. I mean, is Utah really worth it? I am doubtful.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sundance Star Stalking

Sundance '08 has begun. Some friends and I decided to go up to Park City with the sole purpose of becoming paparazzi for the day. I must admit, it was quite exhilerating. Here are a few highlights:

Brushing shoulders with Woody Harrelson.

Method Man.

This is Jack Black. He's been in a few movies.

Tilda Swinton is the white witch from The Chronicles of Narnia.

Arrmand Assante was recently in American Gangster.

Shawn Livingston. NBA player for the Clippers.

Perez Hilton through a window, as though a zoo animal.

Em, Steph, Perez and Me.

So, overall the day was a success. We never got to see the Olsen Twins or Paris Hilton, but life will go on. Maybe next year.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Channel surfing.

So, after American Idol I decided to channel surf. I came upon TLC's "My Shocking Story". I am always up to a shocking story. This one happened to be Half Man Half Tree. I'm still cringing. Just watch the clip...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Best of '07

Top 5 Concerts:
1. Brandi Carlile at the Fillmore, San Fransisco.
2. Indigo Girls at RBG, Salt Lake City.
3. Brandi Carlile at the Big Easy, Boise.
4. Regina Spektor at the Avalon Church, Salt Lake City.
5. Sundance Hotel Cafe Tour at Club Celcius, Park City.

Top 5 Songs:
1. "How These Days Grow Long" -Brandi Carlile
2. "Don't Look Back" -Telepopmusik
3. "Loose Ends" -Imogen Heap
4. "This Must Be The Place" -Shawn Colvin
5. "Sea Legs" -The Shins

Top 5 Artists:
1. Brandi Carlile
2. Feist
3. Meiko
4. The Shins
5. Missy Higgins

Top 5 Movies:
1. Once
2. No Country for Old Men
3. Lars and the Real Girl
4. American Gangster
5. Into the Wild

Top 5 Places:
1. Kenya, Africa
2. Albequerque, NM
3. Colorado Springs - San Fran Road Trip
4. Logan canal
5. Home

Top 5 People (influential or otherwise):
1. Em
2. Ane
3. Anna
4. Jen
5. KJ

Top 5 TV Shows (old and new):
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Alias
3. Dawson's Creek
4. So You Think You Can Dance?
5. Scrubs

Top 5 Books:
1. What is The What by Dave Eggers
2. Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
3. A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints by Dito Montiel
4. On the Road by Jack Kerouac
5. How We Are Hungry by Dave Eggers

Saturday, January 12, 2008


A couple weeks ago I took a stroll over to the local bagel shop where I tend to frequent at least once a week. I greeted BAGELMAN with a smile, and wondered if he remembered me. For some reason I decided to switch it up, so instead of a cinnamon bagel with strawberry cream cheese, I ordered an egg and cheese bagel. As I waited, I guiltily hummed along to Bryan Adam's "Have you ever really loved a woman" playing overhead. BAGELMAN started talking to the room, which consisted of empty chairs and me:

"If this song doesn't stop I'm going to @#$&ing cry!"

I awkwardly smiled and said, "I know, right?"

As I walked up to get my bagel and pay, the following conversation took place:

BAGELMAN: Isn't this Bryan Adams or something?

Me: I think so.

Taking my debit card from me, BAGELMAN: So, do you sing?

Me: Umm, yeah, sometimes. Sure.

BAGELMAN: Well, I am in this local rock band and we are looking for a female vocalist. I don't know if that's something you are into or not, but we are having try-outs and you should totally come down and try-out.

Me: Oh, okay. (A brief pause) So what kind of stuff do you guys do?

BAGELMAN: We take classic 80s/90s love songs and put a twist on them. Ya know, start out mellow and quiet and just end big and crazy. Ya, so if you are interested you should totally come down and try-out.

Me: Alright, I'll think about it. What's your band name?

BAGELMAN proceeded to ramble off the name of this band that I cannot remember for the life of me. I don't even think I would recognize it in writing. I signed the receipt and left with my bagel in hand, baffled by what just went down. Seriously? I just have to wonder what kind of vibe I'm putting out there. My everyday attire doesn't exactly scream grunge-rock-band-chick. But maybe it's all the hidden tattoos and piercings I have. Hey! How does he know about those?