Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm sure you care.

I actually came up with 99 things about myself that hopefully are interesting to someone out there on the world wide web.

1. I really dislike mushrooms.
2. My parents got divorced when I was 3.
3. I have a 13 year-old half sister.
4. I love rap music.
5. I am somewhat against young people (under 16) having cell phones.
6. I have never tasted alcohol. Ever.
7. I have never tried drugs.
8. When I was little, I pretended I smoked with my dad’s used cigarette butts. Apparently, I thought that was cool…
9. I lived with my grandparents during my preschool/kindergarten years.
10. I have a crush on Tom Petty.
11. I have an irrational fear of sharks, murky, deep water, and driving by mountains in the dark.
12. I can’t stand being scared, so watching horror movies is painful.
13. I enjoy singing and playing the guitar for myself; having people around intimidates me.
14. Being in front of crowds gives me the hives.
15. I am allergic to dogs. Big, furry dogs that smell nasty.
16. I pretty much know all the words to “What’s Your Fantasy” by Ludacris.
17. I want an afro so bad.
18. I love to get rid of things that I haven’t used in a while.
19. When I find a song or album I like, I play it over and over again to try and learn the lyrics. If that doesn’t work, I look them up. I like to know what I’m singing.
20. I’m obsessed with Macintosh.
21. I honestly don’t know what I would do without music.
22. I don’t really like pizza. I think it’s all about the hot, melted cheese. It makes me sick. But for some reason I love BBQ chicken pizza. It’s a good compromise when everyone you know loves pizza.
23. I would eat sourdough bread from California every morning, noon and night. I love it.
24. I don’t like fish.
25. Birds weird me out.
26. I didn’t talk to or see my dad for 6 years.
27. When I buy new clothes, I have to get rid of the same amount existing in my closet. Why? 1. Because my closet is so small, and 2. I like to get rid of unused things (see 18).
28. Worrying about finances stresses me out. If only I was rich and never had to worry about having enough money.
29. I like songs that have the words ‘picture’, ‘dreams’ and ‘ocean’ in them. Don’t ask me why, I just do.
30. My favorite color is green.
31. I like wearing glasses.
32. I love to build things. For example, when I bought my IKEA dresser, I was determined to put it together all by myself in one night. It was up the next morning before I went to work.
33. I judge people by the shoes they wear and how their jeans fit.
34. I hate getting application invites on Facebook.
35. The first concert I ever went to was Reba McEntire at the Oakland Colliseum. I was 8.
36. I enjoy eating raw cookie dough.
37. I have a mole positioned perfectly in the middle of my head, right between my eyebrows. It looks like an Indian bindi decoration.
38. I don’t like having long fingernails.
39. I love sweet Del Monte midget pickles. I don’t think you can buy them here.
40. I enjoy taking pictures, even if I’m not that good at it.
41. I’ve been on a real African safari. Uhhh-mazing!
42. I love Oregon chai tea latte. So yummy.
43. When I used to visit my dad every other weekend (age 2-12), he would give me 10 vocab words to work on. I hated it. Too bad I didn’t continue with that, it may have helped on the GRE.
44. My pumpkin pie will change your life.
45. I touch real brains twice a week and think it’s cool.
46. Sometimes I slip too easily into my ghetto accent.
47. I’m always competitive, but if I find someone more competitive I don’t even try because I know I’d beat them.
48. I promote peace.
49. I didn’t care for high school.
50. I can't stand people who wear bluetooth headsets.
51. The perfect Subway sandwich: tuna on honey oat with swiss cheese, lettuce, mustard, lots of banana peppers, topped with salt and pepper.
52. I finished 5 seasons of Dawson's Creek and 4 seasons of Alias in the same 2 1/2 months while working on my doctorate.
53. I have a bit of what they call the travel bug.
54. I don't like tomatoes.
55. My stepmom could be my sister.
56. I have bird-like feet, meaning I can pick objects up with my toes. For my next trick: the flip off.
57. I secretly enjoy taking emo pictures of myself.
58. I have double jointed elbows.
59. I prefer the west coast to any other coast.
60. I don't like the feeling of lotion on my hands.
61. In high school I tried soccer and cross country running before I settled with playing water polo for 3 years.
62. I used to collect stickers and stamps as a young buck.
63. I used to think all cats were girls and all dogs were boys.
64. I judge books by their cover.
65. I look better when I'm tan.
66. I got my ears pierced when I was 16.
67. I enjoy most water sports - skiing, tubing, boating, etc.
68. I have never snow skied and don't really care to.
69. I have a crazy scar from getting my appendix out when I was 8.
70. My grandma and I used to play barbies together.
71. I survived the '89 earthquake in San Francisco.
72. I was baptized by my grandpa.
73. I rock a 2000 Saturn LS.
74. I want no more than 3 kids. Maybe only 1. The whole pregnancy thing freaks me out.
75. A 16 year-old made me a true aggie. OOPS.
76. Sometimes I prance around in spandex.
77. My favorite Beatles song is Eleanor Rigby.
78. I still play M.A.S.H. during class. It never gets old.
79. I type ridiculously was a hobby as a kid. I taught myself how to type on my grandma's old typewriter, Libby.
80. I prefer to be prepared for all situations.
81. I watch ‘R’ rated movies and I’d like to think I have good movie taste.
82. I think swear words are humorous.
83. I heart avocados.
84. When I was 8, I drove to Chicago with my dad in a sparkly green Taurus.
85. My feet are chronically cold. The doctor couldn’t find a pulse in my foot…
86. I worked for the orientation staff at Utah State all four years of college. I rocked the blue and khaki.
87. I have this thing for vintage posters and postcards.
88. I have nice legs?
89. I can spend hours playing Text Twist and Mahjongg online.
90. I have small hands and chubby fingernails.
91. I work at a botanical garden.
92. I tend to not listen more than I admit. My mind likes to wander.
93. In 7th grade, a black chick told me that I was dancing too fast…I was just years ahead of my time.
94. I stay up late just so I can listen to a little more music.
95. I am a sympathy crier.
96. I clean my grandma’s condo every month.
97. My first car was a gold Saturn…I must be doomed to driving a Saturn.
98. I backpacked through Italy and Switzerland for 3 ½ weeks.
99. I love kids, but they intimidate me.
100. (you come up with something…I got to 99!)


Anonymous said...

Dope. I learned more than I thought I would...

And yes, you were years ahead!

stephanielynn said...

I love these lists. Like on Em's, I laughed out loud several times. Particularly 17, 25, 47, 63.

Ciacci said...

100. Your "quiet, shy" front is just an act. I have seen the real Chelsea. She is crazy hilarious.

Loved the list.