Thursday, December 07, 2006

Strange encounters.

I frequently ride Trax to a class I have on campus. Yesterday, I parked in my usual spot and headed toward the train. As I was walking, I noticed a homeless man holding a sign straight ahead of me. He was greeting cars as they exited the busy shopping center parking lot. I instantly decided to avoid an uncomfortable "hello" by walking behind him, hoping to prevent any type of communication between the two of us. Just as I thought I had escaped all awkwardness, the following happened:

Homeless Man Holding Sign: Hello Ma'am, How are you today?

I replied with the curtious "Good" answer, but of course I couldn't stop there. Before I knew it I added, "How are you?"...

Hold on. What a second. Did I really have the audacity to ask a HOMELESS man how he was doing?? Ummm, yes I did. And what do you think was his reply? Not the curtious "Fine, Thank you", but instead he boldy replied, "I don't know yet", hoping that I could somehow change his fate right at that very moment. (heart sinking to bottom of chest) What was I thinking? Of course a homeless man begging for something is not doing great. What did I expect! It's not like I really cared how he was doing. And if I did, I would have pulled out my loose change from my purse and smiled kindly, no words needed.

So I continued my walk of shame to the tracks and made a vow never to make stupid conversational decisions again. We'll see how that works out.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

What I hate.

I hate:
writing papers
cold sores
cold hands
finals week

ok, basically I hate school right now...I can't wait for this week to be over. I keep finding other things to do besides study or write my paper. I am ansy right now just to be done with the semester. I need a couple weeks to get ready for another, even harder, semester. AHHH. I should go now.