Sunday, September 21, 2008

A New Confidence

I would like to bare testimony of my new bra. If anyone knows me, they know that I have an extremely hard time finding a bra that: 1) fits and 2) uh...fits. (Isn't that the most important part?)

I strolled into Nordstrom's the other day, just dreading the fact that I had to find a new piece of underwear. It's almost as bad as the annual swimsuit shopping event. But I knew Nordstrom's was the best, so I started there. I was surprised- shocked, even- to find more than one style that was in my size. Usually I settle for a size or two smaller than what I should get and make some household adjustments when I get home, like sewing the straps smaller or something like that. So, not only were these bras in my size, they actually fit and looked nothing like something my grandma wore in 1955. There are even comfort straps! I would call that a success.

For any of you full-figured women, such as myself, looking for a good time in bra-wear, check out the Natori style 7233495. It's fantastic!

(p.s. That isn't me in the picture...)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cloud 9

So this is what it feels like, huh?

The beau proposed last night and I couldn't have said YES! any faster. I'm just a little excited. Okay, I'm super excited.

To your left you can see the ring of authority (and I only call it this because now I don't feel dumb buying bridal magazines or trying on wedding gowns). It's funny how such a little detail gives a girl some confidence.

So here goes something! I really don't think I could be happier.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Quote of the Night:

"I can love Jesus Christ AND vampires at the same time!"

-Ms. Jones

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Budget? What's that?

I've decided to start myself a little budget. I just feel like I should have a little more control over where my money goes each month (I don't have much of it, so it shouldn't be hard). I managed to buy a columnar pad, which I think my grandma was the last human to use one. Ya know, the cute little accounting tablets. Looking back, I think I took a class at Utah State in Family Finance. In fact, I think everyone who graduates from USU takes that class. The only thing I can remember is the book we read, "Don't Shoot the Dog!". Oh, and how I always took my online quizzes with a classmate.*

I can't, for the life of me, remember how to set up a budget on paper. I know there are different categories of spending, and there is also a place for your income. But it just isn't coming back to me. I know I can probably look this all up online, but I want to set it up to fit my needs. I do remember the first assignment. We were supposed to track a month (or maybe a wee) of all our money flow. I figured this would be a great place to start. I should figure out where my money is going and then set up a budget to monitor that.

So the first page of my green book is what I spend my money on. Most of it consists of food and bills. Just know, that my future budget will never cut the amount of concerts I see. I think this may be the one thing I can't budge on. At all. There will always be a need for music; food, not so much.

Wish me luck.

*What? The professor never said we couldn't do that.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Work, Work, Work it out.

I started going to the gym again. This seems to happen at the beginning of every new semester. I get the urge to get in shape and find the free membership to the campus gym to be quite appealing. I am still amazed at the workout attire people choose to wear, but I've already gone there. Moving on.

Yesterday, I didn't bring any reading material to keep my mind occupied while my body sweat and suffered. I can only read so much while on elliptical until my eyes go cross-eyed and I spew. SO, I found myself people watching (dang it). I managed to spot my freshman year crush (that was 6 years ago, people, 6 years!) and took a step down memory lane for a minute. Then, it hit me. I felt really old. Yeah, I know. I'm only 24. I got it. But have you seen the BABIES that are starting college this year? I don't think they've hit puberty yet. It's amazing. I feel like walking around with a sign that says "I'm too old for you" or something to that affect. I'm not saying I get hit on while working out, but if I could prevent it in any way, I would. I probably have nothing to worry about, since I still work out in orientation shirts dated in 2002. But a girl can never be too cautious.