Friday, September 05, 2008

Work, Work, Work it out.

I started going to the gym again. This seems to happen at the beginning of every new semester. I get the urge to get in shape and find the free membership to the campus gym to be quite appealing. I am still amazed at the workout attire people choose to wear, but I've already gone there. Moving on.

Yesterday, I didn't bring any reading material to keep my mind occupied while my body sweat and suffered. I can only read so much while on elliptical until my eyes go cross-eyed and I spew. SO, I found myself people watching (dang it). I managed to spot my freshman year crush (that was 6 years ago, people, 6 years!) and took a step down memory lane for a minute. Then, it hit me. I felt really old. Yeah, I know. I'm only 24. I got it. But have you seen the BABIES that are starting college this year? I don't think they've hit puberty yet. It's amazing. I feel like walking around with a sign that says "I'm too old for you" or something to that affect. I'm not saying I get hit on while working out, but if I could prevent it in any way, I would. I probably have nothing to worry about, since I still work out in orientation shirts dated in 2002. But a girl can never be too cautious.

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