Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye 2007.

I would like to title this past year as “The Year of Extremes”. Never have I felt so lost, alone, and happy in such close proximity. I never expected “finding myself” to be so heartbreaking or difficult. I’ve gone through 23 years of life thinking that everything would be perfect. It never really hit me that in order to be truly happy, I would have to experience unhappy things, sad things. But these monumental events have contributed greatly to this little personality of mine and I wouldn’t take any of them back. I dare say I would repeat everything just to be standing where I am today…but I would if I had to. Sure, life has its ups and downs, some steeper than others, but it can only get better from here. I am looking forward to the “better” that this new year has to offer.

Until then, a nice long shower will do.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Should I watch the apparently "fantastic" movie FARGO or continue my DVD marathon of Dawson's Creek?

Yeah...I don't know either.

Friday, November 23, 2007


I was sitting on my bed, the usual place, where I can see my entire room. the dresser, the desk, the globe, the exercise ball, the calendar, etc. i spend a lot of time here surfing the web, reading, studying, playing the guitar, contemplating life. (did i mention studying?) I just happened to focus on my calendar for a second. And there is was, still on October.

It's Thanksgiving...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I am opposed.

I am opposed to people coming to the gym in everyday clothes. Okay, yes, I applaud them for even making it to the gym, but really? you have no other clothes but your jeans and hiking boots to work out in? that just amazes me. I wonder if it's out of pure convenience: they don't have to change before OR after their workout session. Or maybe it's because they just don't have any money to buy gym shorts and a simple t-shirt. Hell, some people don't even wear a t-shirt. Five bucks at wal-mart will get you an outfit, I promise.

I'm not trying to be shallow. I don't expect high-end sweat suits and matching shoes. In fact, that's another blog on it's own. I just think you should have separate clothes for sweating profusely in. It just makes sense.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday at work.

Fridays are always known for extreme laziness and many "errands" that cannot be done any other day. After running these so-called errands and picking up some lunch for myself, my coworkers and I decided to be productive. This originally involved scrambling each person's name (first and last) into some kind of dirty word. We started with LAGNENAAN, which was fairly unsuccessful. We continued with LWEYNNYDOGIN and EDJOWADRAWDNOSH. Again, nothing dirty. My turn came around, so we tried THSPCELSHAEA. Putting our noggins together, we came up with CHEST, TAP, PAT, and ASS. I would interpret this as a win. The mormon chick at work has dirty written all over her name. I'm so proud.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


This freaks the hell out of me...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ohh! Now that makes sense.

I am taking a class this semester called Psychoacoustics, which I won't even try to explain the meaning of at this point. My teacher is from Korea. Probably one of the nicest guys I've ever met, but he just struggles getting his point across, not to mention his educational background is in engineering. Just try and imagine the many communication barriers that lie between him and I. Enough said.

Anyway, last week we were discussing a lot of statistics and came across the bell curve and all its meanings. To help us understand that each end of the curve never reaches an absolute zero (which we already knew), he decided to make a sensible comparison. He laughed, "Normal distribution never basically, it is like God!"

Yeah. Exactly what I was thinking.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


As I was reviewing my warranty on my almost brand new Nokia phone, I came across some conditions under which Nokia will NOT honor their "One-Year Limited Warranty". The second paragraph reads as follows:

b) The Product has been damaged from external causes such as collision with an object, or from fire, flooding, sand, dirt, windstorm, lightning, earthquake or damage from exposure to weather conditions, an *ACT OF GOD, or battery leakage, theft, blown fuse, or improper use of any electrical source, damage cause by computer or internet viruses, bugs, worms, *TROJAN HORSES, cancelbots or damage caused by blah blah blah....

Now, I'm not much of a computer wizard, but really? Trojan Horses? And, has someone really used the excuse of an "Act of God" to get their cell phone replaced? What has this world come to? Either Nokia is comprised of very sarcastic staffers or the general public has gone completely insane. You tell me.

*highlighted for your amusement.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Just because it's a 435- number, doesn't mean you know who they are.

Random Texter: hey whats up?

Me: Hey, sorry, I don't know who this is?

RT: emily

Me: whats up?

RT: just sitting on my tramp. thanks for saying hi to me today.

Me: Umm...I don't think I know who you are? last name?

RT: dude, we banged dumb ass

Me: Who do you think I am?

RT: who is this

Me: Chelsea

RT: sorry wrong number

Me: thank, I don't remember banging anyone recently. Haha. Have a good night.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


You can now blog in Hindu!

Friday, April 06, 2007


The other day I went on an errand for work. If you've ever been to XpedX you will know they offer endless possibilities for invitations and paper creations. It only makes sense that they would also have pinatas, since they are made mostly out of paper, right? As we were waiting for an answer about a particular paper product, a customer asked the price of these pinatas ($7.99 in case you were wondering). The gentleman helping us then felt the need to tell us that a lady once returned a $7.99 pinata because there was no candy in it...Wait, hold up. In case you missed that, she had no clue that you had to fill the paper donkey with your own damn candy! What made the story even better, was that she didn't realize this until the kiddos at the birthday party were swinging away at an empty pinata. Imagine the horror! You are 7 years old, bashing a donkeys head in, expecting piles of yummy goodness to flow from its being, and then...nothing. Just the thrill of being blindfolded, trying to hit a floating paper animal is all they got. No reward for little Jimmy! I can totally understand why this lady was so frustrated. I mean, she did pay eight dollars! Maybe one of the parents should have clued her in before she made an idiot of herself...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Attention: Macy Gray

You weren't good last night on Leno and you don't sound any better today on The View!

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Scrubs is the funniest sitcom on television. I have never laughed out loud, alone in my room, so much in my life! Here's to the joy of laughter! Cheers.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

the secret.

I’ve been thinking lately about my past relationships, friendships and loveships. And as I remember each experience, it makes me smile. I have come the point where I am unaffected by how many times I was hurt or how many times I was let down. I can now appreciate the lessons I have learned from things not working out as I had planned. We learn the most when things don’t go our way. We learn about ourselves, who we really are.

My outlook on life has changed tremendously in the past couple of months. I don’t really know what sparked this change of thought. Maybe it has something to do with moving to the city or deciding to continue my education, basically starting from scratch. Whatever the reason may be, I feel like a different person, closer to who I am or want to be. I used to be so uptight and stubborn. And I still have those tendencies (I’m not denying that), but I’ve tried to consciously be aware of how I act and whom it affects. So, maybe that’s one of the most important things I’ve learned, that what I do and say can either challenge or inspire my current relationships. And although challenges are no fun to deal with, they are completely necessary and part of living.

Positive thinking is the key, or the secret, however you want to refer to it. My perspective on life is not so gloomy. I am learning to live for the unexpected moments and not care so much about the things I don’t like (such as school). I’m trying not to take life and myself so seriously. What a concept! Just LIVE once and awhile. Take in all the experiences life has to offer. I’m only 22 and yet I have experienced more than I have planned on. But I just smile and continue on my way, getting closer and closer to who I am. I’ll get there someday, or maybe I won’t. But would that be such a bad thing?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Today I walked out of the clinic with 4 shots, 44 malaria pills, typhoid pills, and anti-diarrhea pills for just over $200. It's the price I gladly pay to hopefully not get sick and die in a foreign land. And yes, I can only hope that I won't get sick, because as the lovely nurse, Cheryl, pointed out, these immunizations do not prevent any disease from entering my body. Wonderful. So basically I dish out the cash and hope that it pays off. Let's all HOPE it all works.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Just for the record.

I think there is something wrong with Martha Stewart. She's been acting very weird lately. And I only know this because the Martha show is the only thing on at 3pm...I usually don't watch her show, I swear!...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Today I learned...

There are numerous manufacturers who sell hearing aids. Part of their job is to make people with a hearing loss want to buy their product, e.g. fun hearing aid colors, intriguing names, etc. Well, today I realized that one company stands out as far as creative name giving goes. First of all, their company name is Siemens. Okay, fine. I'll give them some credit; maybe it's the founder's last name or something. They probably didn't have any control over it. BUT! Second of all, out of all the other titles they could have given to one of their programs, they decided that the "Wiener filter" was the best fit! Yep, both pronounced like the male anatomy parts! I don't even want to know what the marketing crew was smoking when they came up with that one!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A funny joke.

After eating downtown, the following conversation took place between two good friends:

Friend 1: The homeless shelter is right there.

Friend 2: I really need to do service.

Friend 1: Not there.

Friend 2: Maybe there…

(Driving past a brick fire pit on the sidewalk…silence)

Friend 2: You know, why don’t homeless people just go get some hot dogs and roast them right there?

Friend 1: They don’t have the money to buy hot dogs…

Friend 2: Well, maybe they should save up a couple bucks to go buy some hot dogs at the grocery store instead of buying a pack of cigarettes!

You know, maybe that’s what I should do: gather up hotdogs and give them to the homeless. We can call it “Hotdogs for Homeless!”

(Outbursts of laughter filled the car. At that moment, nothing was more funny to those two friends.)

Monday, February 05, 2007


According to the Weather Channel dot com, today's temperature reached a high of 47 degrees in SLC. I don't think you can understand how happy that makes me. My spirits were lifted as I walked around the Garden without the protection of a heavy jacket. Life is so much better when the sun can actually keep you warm! Winter, I beg you to leave.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Yes, I am a nerd...

So, I heard about this in class and thought I would check it out. This is one of our inner ear hair cells at its best! Just jammin' to the music! HAHAHA.

Okay, you probably won't think that it's cool, but it is...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Calling all Utahns, male in gender:

If you take the time to dress nice, wear nice shoes, etc...

the least you could do is not wear white socks!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's dang cold outside.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


So when did Leonardo DiCaprio become a sexy man? I mean, he has always been the teenage heart-throb, especially since his Titanic performance. But really, I have never been attracted to him until now. I think there are some folks (male in gender) who age very nicely, and he happens to be one of them. I hope this doesn't mean I will end up marrying an old man...that would be weird.

Friday, January 05, 2007


I sometimes find myself surprised by a person's stupidity. I am amazed at what people think is okay to do. I have learned these past few hours that I should not be surprised, but instead I should expect it. Some things never change.