Wednesday, November 05, 2008

iSuicide Update

Pessimistic view on Big Poppa's life. Everything booted up fine, except the touchscreen sensors are completely gone. Bummer. Hopefully, that can somehow by replaced cheaper than buying a new iPhone. We'll see.

Note to self: Next time don't purchase ridiculously expensive items that can jump in the toilet. It's somewhat traumatic and sad. Oh, and if you do make the mistake of buying something so attractively bad ass and expensive, don't get so attached. It will make the after-jumping-in-the-toilet transition a lot easier.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Music Mondays

Last Tuesday, Ray LaMontagne came to town. The night was highly anticipated after he bailed on us as an opener for Guster in 2006.* But he did not disappoint. There were many "What-Ever!" moments that evening. It was unreal. Oh, and did I forget to mention that Em scored us great VIP seats right as Ray went on stage? Well, yeah. She did. The night was perfect.

An even more pleasant surprise was the opening act of Leona Naess. Her voice is simple and beautiful. "Heavy Like Sunday" is by far my favorite song on her album. The video is a little hectic, but just take a listen. You won't be disappointed.

*I must say, however, that I don't know if I would ever put Ray and Guster together. That just seems like an odd combo. Very different in style and mood. Things work out for the best sometimes.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


I may be a little quirky. 6 things you didn't need to know about me, but now you are so glad you do:

1. I find it hard to share drinks with anyone. Even family. Even that special someone. There's just something very unappealing about putting my mouth where someone else's just was. Cooties. Ew. Don't take it personal if I swig your beverage without touching the opening. I've gotten really good at it.

2. I have an irrational fear of sharks. I've never had a bad experience or anything remotely close to that, but with the losing of my innocence, I also became extremely afraid of these enormously, gigantic, sharp-toothed, man-eating sea creatures. I know. Completely irrational.

3. Every time I go shopping, I have to find the nearest bathroom, quickly. Mostly it's when I'm shopping for clothes or presents for other people. I get a little nervous/excited and have to eliminate. Come to think of it, I should have made this quirk #2...

4. I have come to grips with the fact that no bra will fit me perfectly. This realization has led me to becoming an amateur seamstress. I've even used staples as a quick fix to loose straps. Don't knock it til you try it.

5. When I decide something, I decide! No matter how big or small the decision seems to be, if I make up my mind to do one thing, I'll follow through. For example, if Ingrid Michaelson's CD comes out today, I will drive to every CD store to get it that day. Nothing will stand in my way.

6. I blow dry my hair completely naked. It's not that I like to check myself out or anything, I just do it. No explanation. (Maybe I should lock my door now...)

I apologize for the over-share, but I was tagged by my good ol' friend #5. I now hereby tag: Lindsay, Steph, Ciacci, and Chanel.


I decided I wanted to change the look of my blog about 15 minutes ago. I ended up with this Blogger template because I was too lazy to figure out how to download a free template from the interweb.

In recent news, my iPhone committed iSuicide in the toilet a couple hours ago. It may be days before we know if it will make it. Sad day. Sad day.