Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Attention: Macy Gray

You weren't good last night on Leno and you don't sound any better today on The View!

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Scrubs is the funniest sitcom on television. I have never laughed out loud, alone in my room, so much in my life! Here's to the joy of laughter! Cheers.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

the secret.

I’ve been thinking lately about my past relationships, friendships and loveships. And as I remember each experience, it makes me smile. I have come the point where I am unaffected by how many times I was hurt or how many times I was let down. I can now appreciate the lessons I have learned from things not working out as I had planned. We learn the most when things don’t go our way. We learn about ourselves, who we really are.

My outlook on life has changed tremendously in the past couple of months. I don’t really know what sparked this change of thought. Maybe it has something to do with moving to the city or deciding to continue my education, basically starting from scratch. Whatever the reason may be, I feel like a different person, closer to who I am or want to be. I used to be so uptight and stubborn. And I still have those tendencies (I’m not denying that), but I’ve tried to consciously be aware of how I act and whom it affects. So, maybe that’s one of the most important things I’ve learned, that what I do and say can either challenge or inspire my current relationships. And although challenges are no fun to deal with, they are completely necessary and part of living.

Positive thinking is the key, or the secret, however you want to refer to it. My perspective on life is not so gloomy. I am learning to live for the unexpected moments and not care so much about the things I don’t like (such as school). I’m trying not to take life and myself so seriously. What a concept! Just LIVE once and awhile. Take in all the experiences life has to offer. I’m only 22 and yet I have experienced more than I have planned on. But I just smile and continue on my way, getting closer and closer to who I am. I’ll get there someday, or maybe I won’t. But would that be such a bad thing?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Today I walked out of the clinic with 4 shots, 44 malaria pills, typhoid pills, and anti-diarrhea pills for just over $200. It's the price I gladly pay to hopefully not get sick and die in a foreign land. And yes, I can only hope that I won't get sick, because as the lovely nurse, Cheryl, pointed out, these immunizations do not prevent any disease from entering my body. Wonderful. So basically I dish out the cash and hope that it pays off. Let's all HOPE it all works.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Just for the record.

I think there is something wrong with Martha Stewart. She's been acting very weird lately. And I only know this because the Martha show is the only thing on at 3pm...I usually don't watch her show, I swear!...