Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A funny joke.

After eating downtown, the following conversation took place between two good friends:

Friend 1: The homeless shelter is right there.

Friend 2: I really need to do service.

Friend 1: Not there.

Friend 2: Maybe there…

(Driving past a brick fire pit on the sidewalk…silence)

Friend 2: You know, why don’t homeless people just go get some hot dogs and roast them right there?

Friend 1: They don’t have the money to buy hot dogs…

Friend 2: Well, maybe they should save up a couple bucks to go buy some hot dogs at the grocery store instead of buying a pack of cigarettes!

You know, maybe that’s what I should do: gather up hotdogs and give them to the homeless. We can call it “Hotdogs for Homeless!”

(Outbursts of laughter filled the car. At that moment, nothing was more funny to those two friends.)


4 Reale said...

You're funny. No really. You really are funny.

ekmadsen said...

I would like to bear my testimony that we, in fact, are Hi-larious.

(*I've checked and is still available....just sayin...)