Saturday, September 06, 2008

Budget? What's that?

I've decided to start myself a little budget. I just feel like I should have a little more control over where my money goes each month (I don't have much of it, so it shouldn't be hard). I managed to buy a columnar pad, which I think my grandma was the last human to use one. Ya know, the cute little accounting tablets. Looking back, I think I took a class at Utah State in Family Finance. In fact, I think everyone who graduates from USU takes that class. The only thing I can remember is the book we read, "Don't Shoot the Dog!". Oh, and how I always took my online quizzes with a classmate.*

I can't, for the life of me, remember how to set up a budget on paper. I know there are different categories of spending, and there is also a place for your income. But it just isn't coming back to me. I know I can probably look this all up online, but I want to set it up to fit my needs. I do remember the first assignment. We were supposed to track a month (or maybe a wee) of all our money flow. I figured this would be a great place to start. I should figure out where my money is going and then set up a budget to monitor that.

So the first page of my green book is what I spend my money on. Most of it consists of food and bills. Just know, that my future budget will never cut the amount of concerts I see. I think this may be the one thing I can't budge on. At all. There will always be a need for music; food, not so much.

Wish me luck.

*What? The professor never said we couldn't do that.

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