Thursday, April 24, 2008

Let's Chat.

Fellow Utah dwellers!

Have you ever noticed the inexcusable, unrelenting stenchi (plural for stench) that exude from many Utah cities? Well, if you haven’t, I will now give you the best places to experience such a treat.

1. West side of Logan. I lived there for a few years and I can honestly say that I haven’t smelt anything like it. As you come to the mouth of Sardine Canyon and into Wellsville, just roll down your windows and take a few deep breaths. At this moment, you will know exactly what I mean.

2. The Saltair. I attended a concert there last night and was reminded of a few things: 1) a crappy sound system, 2) awesome people to judge and place on teams, and 3) a plethora of odors that smell anything but good. Instead of bring earplugs, I suggest you bring nose plugs if you want nothing to cling onto your little nose hairs and cuddle you after the concert is long over.

3. South of SLC. I have no specific experience to insert here, only that driving on I-15 can be somewhat unbearable the further you get from civilization. There is a reason underlying the “Cow Town” reference.



Em said...

I have a friend who every time we would drive into Cache Valley would smell the air and say, "smells like money!" His family owned a cattle farm....

Heidi Louise said...

You should really put West Kaysville(Home of the Belnap compound)on there because it nudges right up to the Great Salt Lake... and there are a lot of farms.