Monday, December 15, 2008

Winter Song

I love Christmas. Well, except for that little snow detail in Utah. As far as Christmas music goes, I've always just been a fan of the classics. Bing Crosby, The Nutcracker, etc. I've never been one to buy an artist's Christmas album every year. For some reason, hearing Mariah Carey's rendition of Silent Night (I don't even know if she's done that) doesn't do anything for me. New holiday songs are also hard for me to enjoy. They just end up being cheesy and overproduced.

Well, that all changed last year when Sister Carlile came out with "The Heartache Can Wait". Pure genius. It was depressing in just the right way to keep my holiday spirit up. Weird, I know, but I have a feeling some of you know what I'm talking about. Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson have done the same thing for me this year. They make beautiful music together. Seriously. I haven't heard a song this pretty in a while. I wish I could have embedded their darling video for it here, but the link will have to suffice. Enjoy

Winter Song


Lindsay Jane said...

I could not agree with you more. And "Sister" crack me up.

stephanielynn said...

I know I already posted this on Facebook but I wake up to that song every morning. Gotta start the day off right!

Kath, Becca, and Ellie said...

Amazing. AMAZING. thanks for passing it along... It's Sister Carlile couldn't be more right on, haha