Saturday, January 12, 2008


A couple weeks ago I took a stroll over to the local bagel shop where I tend to frequent at least once a week. I greeted BAGELMAN with a smile, and wondered if he remembered me. For some reason I decided to switch it up, so instead of a cinnamon bagel with strawberry cream cheese, I ordered an egg and cheese bagel. As I waited, I guiltily hummed along to Bryan Adam's "Have you ever really loved a woman" playing overhead. BAGELMAN started talking to the room, which consisted of empty chairs and me:

"If this song doesn't stop I'm going to @#$&ing cry!"

I awkwardly smiled and said, "I know, right?"

As I walked up to get my bagel and pay, the following conversation took place:

BAGELMAN: Isn't this Bryan Adams or something?

Me: I think so.

Taking my debit card from me, BAGELMAN: So, do you sing?

Me: Umm, yeah, sometimes. Sure.

BAGELMAN: Well, I am in this local rock band and we are looking for a female vocalist. I don't know if that's something you are into or not, but we are having try-outs and you should totally come down and try-out.

Me: Oh, okay. (A brief pause) So what kind of stuff do you guys do?

BAGELMAN: We take classic 80s/90s love songs and put a twist on them. Ya know, start out mellow and quiet and just end big and crazy. Ya, so if you are interested you should totally come down and try-out.

Me: Alright, I'll think about it. What's your band name?

BAGELMAN proceeded to ramble off the name of this band that I cannot remember for the life of me. I don't even think I would recognize it in writing. I signed the receipt and left with my bagel in hand, baffled by what just went down. Seriously? I just have to wonder what kind of vibe I'm putting out there. My everyday attire doesn't exactly scream grunge-rock-band-chick. But maybe it's all the hidden tattoos and piercings I have. Hey! How does he know about those?

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