Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It could happen.

"Prayer the ultimate wireless network"

I saw this on a billboard outside of a church in downtown Salt Lake. It reminded me of a small town horror flick made in the 80's. The camera would pan across a church like this as you enter the town where everyone will be murdered except you. And you will be left in bloody clothes, with scrapes and bruises from the many close-calls, trying to hitch a ride to the nearest town, which happens to be even weirder than the first. And next summer the same thing will happen to you once again. Your life is forever haunted and you will never escape it...

Just sayin'...


4 Reale said...

Boy, what I would give to live one day in your mind... you are crazy, but funny... and I appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

Lady, I am glad you found me. 4 reale and CDS 4EVA! Let's talk about templates sometime.