Friday, June 16, 2006


Today, I made a goal to be nice. Many of you may not think I have a problem with this, or maybe you do, but I really can be just plain mean. And most of the time I don't mean to be mean, I just am. I think it's because I like to follow the rules. So if anyone is doing something to jeopardize that, I can be rude. I decided to be nice because of my job. I work with people every day. And everyday people seem to try and get around following the guidelines we have set out for them. (Just in case you aren't familiar with my job, I deal with freshmen and their parents on a daily basis, trying to get them ready for their first semester in college.) Anyway, I put my goal into action today to see if it would make a difference in my day. Low and behold, I think it really did. I still met a lot of really annoying people trying to get out of a lot of things, which made me mad inside...but I didn't let my rudeness take over. I was actually nice to these somewhat incompetent people. (sorry, that wasn't very nice). I think I will try and do this more often, break the rules a little. And be nice...

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